Meet Brad. Brad loves his crack. He also likes:
anime (hentai), fucking (sometimes BBCs),
bumming on the (casting) couch and more.
Brad can swing his penis fast enough to break the sound barrier and slap with the force of 11,421 pounds per square inch. We all know Brad is the godly height of 14.5 feet tall and can move at a speed of 200 Meters per second. If he swung in a circular manner, it would have the centripetal acceleration of 72.57 meters per second. This means that Brad can dickslap with the immense energy of 11,421 pounds per sq inch at a tip speed greater than 584415.58336974 MPH. If he decides to fling it will travel at 584415.5*70= 40,909,085 mph. In conclusion, if Brad decided to weaponize his penis, he could easily conquer the world.
Brad Armstrong
Brad Pitt
Chad’s cousin
Brad’s Autistic
Brother Tommy
Smash OR Pass
Brad’s Famous Quotes
NNN stands for nonstop nut November right?
Miner is a legendary card that players can unlock once they reach Arena 4 in PEKKA's Playhouse. He is a single-target melee troop with moderate amounts of damage and Hit Points. It currently costs 3 Elixir to play a Miner card. The Miner card can be placed anywhere in the arena.
One time I had 9 orgasms in a row and still kept getting hard
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I pray my dick get big as the eiffel tower, so I can fuck the world for 72 hours
Strawberry cum enjoyer?
If you think of thinking less you'll actually think more by thinking less because you'll want to think less so you'll have to think more if you want to think less
Therapy per month in New York is $5,000+ A one way ticket to bangkok, 10 escorts, an 8ball of cocaine, and a table every night is $5,000+ Your choice.
Think of $BRAD as a coin flip, you may make generational wealth or you may lose your parents house. Brad is not responsible for your financial decisions, however, Brad does not mind you throwing your life savings into $BRAD.